In this insightful episode of RIA Collective, host Charlie Van Derven engages in a thought-provoking conversation with guest Tyson Ray, the founding partner of Form Wealth Advisors. Urging a transition from a riches-focused mindset to a wealth-centered perspective, Tyson underscores the importance of nurturing total client relationships based on wealth, not just riches. Through anecdotes and experiences, Tyson details his journey in the finance industry, his transition towards total relationship investing, and the concept of 'funded contentment.' This episode unveils Tyson's passion for guiding clients toward their financial goals, breaking traditional molds, and employing technology to enhance client experiences. Listen in to understand his unconventional approach to wealth management and how he considers clients' lifetime goals central to wealth management. This conversation offers valuable insights for young advisors, independent advisors, and anyone seeking to redefine their perspective on wealth and client relationships.